Should you keep your money in Israel?
Keep my money in Israel?

How to buy a home in Israel

This video is for general educational purposes only and should not be viewed as specific tax, legal or investment advice.

I was thrilled to host Mickey Levine, a legal expert who specializes in real estate, for our third episode of Aliyah Money Talks! We discussed the process of buying a home in Israel. Scroll down for a full list of topics covered.

To see more from Mickey, check out his Website, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Main topics discussed

  • 1:18 – Buying a home on paper vs. the secondary market
  • 3:55 – What protections can be put in place to stop the contractor from delaying construction indefinitely
  • 6:40 – Is there an advantage to buying before Aliyah?
  • 8:20 – What does it mean to “make an offer” and how is the process different than in the US?
  • 10:00 – Should you sign a memorandum of understanding (MOU)?
  • 12:45 – Once the buyer and seller agree on a price, what are some of the details the lawyers will be working on?
  • 15:57 – What are some of the things the buyer should be working on while the lawyers are working on the final contract?
  • 18:00 – Should you get the property you are buying appraised?
  • 21:00 – Different methods for bringing in money from overseas and currency exchange?
  • 27:30 – What does a typical payment schedule look like?
  • 30:50 – Summary for calculating purchase tax
  • 34:50 – Purchase tax benefit for Olim
  • 36:50 – When is purchase tax due?
  • 38:55 – What is the process for registering the home in the buyers name?
“Prime” Real Estate

2 thoughts on “How to buy a home in Israel”

  1. Hi, do you have any update on the changes in purchase tax works for olim? Can these be used on a second home that is residential if the first home is an investment? Thank you


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