This video is for general educational purposes only and should not be viewed as specific tax, legal or investment advice.
I was thrilled to host Nadav Ellinson, founder of and now my partner at Blue & White Finance, for our second episode of Aliyah Money Talks! We discussed the key steps to understanding and improving your Israeli pension. Scroll down for a full list of topics covered and slides.
To see more from Nadav, check him out on Facebook and Instagram.
Main topics discussed (+ Nadav’s slides)
- 2:18 – Why is it important to talk about pensions?
- 3:54 – What is a pension?
- 4:55 – Where can I find my pension? Who controls my pension? What should I expect from my pension agent?
- 6:18 – What is the most important step to maximize your pension?
- 7:17 – What are the contribution options for someone who is self-employed?

- 11:20 – Explain the Pitzuim (severance fund) component of your salary
- 13:45 – Give us a rundown of the different pension structures and if there any you should avoid
- 16:27 – Reuven Shirazi’s extremely well written “The Comprehensive Guide To Pensions And Retirement In Israel“
- 19:10 – What are the different investment tracks? What are key factors for choosing a track?
- 23:45 – Does it make a difference what track I choose?

- 26:40 – How do I change my investment track? Are there any taxes paid when I change my track?
- 28:34 – What are the typical fees? How can you reduce them?

- 36:07 – Can you take a loan using your pension?
- 38:40 – How do you access and read your pension statement?

- 44:08 – What is a Keren Hishtalmut? Can we use a similar step for optimization as a pension?
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When I’m not writing new guides or concocting new calculators, I spend time on Zoom with young professionals from all over Israel.
Together we build simple and achievable Financial Action Plans that get you closer to achieving your dreams.