The Oleh Budgeting Calculator is a free tool that creates a budget automatically for you.
We are proud to have partnered with Nefesh B’Nefesh and Shivat Zion on the release of this important tool.
Our new tool helps you see into the future. Here are some great ways to use it effectively:
- Before aliyah: Create a realistic budget for living in Israel
- Before marriage: See how much you’ll be spending after combining finances
- A growing family: Simulate how much it will cost to have more children
- Prior to a move: Will living somewhere else have a significant impact on your expenses?
- Before a major purchase: See the overall, long-term impact of buying a car or a larger property
- Before retirement: Forecast your expenses during retirement
The calculator will be updated annually, so that it remains relevant and up-to-date.
Ready to get started?
Is there a resource we can use to determine how much we will need to save to make Aliyah? Not cost of living in Israel, but costs of moving and settling.
Unfortunately nothing precise that we’ve come across. Nefesh B’Nefesh does have some approximations on their site.
Is the tool available now? I watched the seminar, but I don’t see a link to the tool.
Peter Levavi
Yes it is! Sign up here and we will send it straight to your inbox:
Hi Esther. You can now make a copy here:
After clicking, select “Make a Copy”. A copy of the calculator will be saved in your Google Drive.