Should you keep your money in Israel?
Keep my money in Israel?

10 thoughts on “Keeping a US checking account while living in Israel”

  1. This is EXTREMELY helpful thank you.
    My parents and I are struggling with the US phone number requirement. Would help if you could add this to the table above.

  2. Hi, what’s considered “maintaining a US address” in the context of US banks requirements? Just having a US address on the bank account and/or being able to respond to a postal mail? Or actually be present there for some period of time?

    • Generally banks do not verify how often you are or aren’t present at your US address. Most banks will send all or most communication via digital means and not use snail mail. Nonetheless, providing a verifiable US address in order to prove nexus to the US is often a requirement for opening an account.

    • An *unexpired* U.S. passport is required. I’ve not been outside Israel in 20 years and my passport is expired. Since I have a limited time to hopefully find a viable option since I’ve received notice from my bank in the States that, due to a change in their policy, I will be required to close my U.S. checking account (withdraw funds via debit card), I need a fairly fast solution. Thank you for the idea, though.


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